Here at Vermont Patriots Soccer we try to do things a little bit differently while aiming to turn the business model of organized soccer on its head. Although not a new concept in other parts of the world, we work hard to present the case to donors and sponsor that benefits of sports on childhood development are immense. A simple google search “peer
reviewed benefits of sports” populates “About 128,000,000 results (0.83 seconds)”. The benefits include building a foundation for healthier lifestyle, better performance in school activities, and peer relations – just to name a few.
Luckily for us, our friends at Consolidated Communications recognize the strength of youth sports and are helping us out reach even more kids. Their contribution allows us to maintain our $50/year per family fee regardless of number of kids in the family. The whole purpose is to reduce the barrier to attend organized soccer. This awesome sport has an innate ability to fascinate kids, given the right environment. Our staff volunteer their time, while focusing on relaying passion and fun to the young participants. With kids, once you have achieved structured fun, the work rate and commitment is an inevitable byproduct.
We are happy and proud to have Consolidated Communication be on our side, as “United Communities score goals”.