VTP U12 Update

VTP Legends

Dear Parents and Players,

WELCOME TO THE VTP FAMILY! What a incredible groups of young futbolers. We hope that the Vermont Patriots can positively influence these boys for the rest of their lives. We certainly will give our best to make it fun and motivational for all players and families.

Here are few points to guide us:

  1. Be supportive regardless what the score is. These young men need all of our positive presence to develop their self-esteems, and improve as soccer players and people in general. Errors are part of growing and success. Failure is a stepping stone for those with the right support system, and as a VTP Family we want to be just that. This does not mean that poor attitudes will be praised, but it means that attempts and errors will be supported so that these young futbolers keep trying until they succeed.
  2. See point above. It is the essence of this program. 🙂
  3. Please keep personal soccer balls at home. We have made a decision to utilize our VTP soccer balls at the practices so that the kids are not seeking for their personal balls during or at the end of the practice. The personal balls can be used to practice at home, or at any park closest to home. We have left the goals up at Landry Park, so please free and come on down to play on the field.
  4. Water. Water is the absolutely preferred form of hydration for soccer players. The sugar content in other drinks is outrageous. Other healthy drink would be milk. Here is a link worth exploring https://www.sportsrd.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Nutrition_for_Soccer_Student-Athletes_web_version.pdf
  5. Cannot wait to see the portrait photo 🙂
  6. To games bring jersey, shorts, socks, shinguards, shoes, water.
  7. Coach Ody 802-598-3309 ody@vermontpatriots.org, Coach Keno 802-777-5360 keno@vermontpatriots.org, Coach Iri 802-372-1022 iri@vermontpatriots.org