partner with us & Support our kids

We believe that united communities score goals.

As a non-profit 501(c)(3), we do not seek to profit personally from our involvement. We volunteer our expertise. 100% of your donations, sponsorship, and/or advertisement revenues are reinvested into the academy, bringing more exciting programs and professional environment to help grow young participants, and keep them off the streets. Your tax-deductible private and business donation allows us to fortify our innovative sports programs within the community, and integrate kids as well-adjusted, resilient, and productive community members.

Ways to support us - individual or business

Sponsorship packages (perfect for businesses)

You decide*
Thank you at events
Logo on partner page

* suggested donation $500+

Thank you at events
Logo on partner page
Social media post + email feature introducing a new partner
Event booth or product samples distributed at events/games
Thank you at events
Logo on sponsor page
Social media posts + email feature introducing a new partner
Event booth or product samples distributed at events/games
Logo on the homepage & register page
Blog post introducing a new partner with short story bio & link to web
Logo on event posters
Logo on VTP jerseys (full year)
Thank you at events
Logo on sponsor page
Social media posts +email feature introducing a new partner
Event booth or product samples distributed at events/games
Logo on the homepage & register page
Logo on all printed materials
Banner at home field during practices, events, and games

Prominent leaderboard displayed on all website pages and a feature on FB banner*

*exclusive to sponsors of $5000+

Have something else in mind?

Let’s discuss! We are flexible and creative. Reach out to us via email at to discuss your request.