The team behind the scenes

Iri Sunj
Director & Coach
A nurse, a parent, a soccer enthusiast. Iri loves soccer (sometimes too much). Call him at 3 AM, and he will be on the field in a flash. Extensive experience within the sport in several countries, as well as other professional involvements, will be handy bringing in exciting programs to foster learning and participation. His favorite game is Hokey Pokey Soccer shooting practice with the 3 year olds. Neither he nor the 3-year olds know what is going on, but looking at it from the sideline it looks like a lot of fun!

Charlotte Blend
Charlotte is a proud parent of 2 Vermont Patriots U8 players (who, as identical twins, can confuse the opposition – and the coaches) and a seventh grade soccer player at Winooski Middle School. When not looking for soccer socks or missing cleats, she works as the Communications and Foundations Coordinator at Lund, a statewide family support agency. Charlotte is on the board of Burlington Children’s Space and volunteers for several other community nonprofits. She is excited to help the VT Patriots to change the framework of youth soccer. Favorite player of all time? Alan Shearer of course!

Leslie Ferrer
Leslie Ferrer is the parent of a U8 player, a Winooski resident and someone who is passionate about building safe and healthy communities for youth and families through sports and recreation. When not on the soccer field watching practice and chatting with other parents, Leslie works at Spectrum Youth & Family Services as the Clinical Director working to improve the lives of youth and families experiencing mental health, substance use, and struggling with accessing basic needs. Leslie is excited to contribute to the mission of the VT Patriots to help youth be healthy and active, as well as making this sport accessible to all those who are interested in playing!

Brian Lee
Bio coming soon

Odysseus Manzi
Secretary & Coach
A social worker, a parent, and an absolute soccer fanatic. Ody can talk about soccer all day long from its history and tactics, to jersey designs and logos. Considering his level of fanaticism, his wife must truly love him! Passion for coaching and playing is evident in every step he takes, and his enthusiasm for the sport is contagious. He will bring joy and the diverse communities together, and guide young Vermonters through all the lessons soccer has to offer.

Kenan Avdibegovic
Treasurer & Coach
Parent of 4 and huge Bayern Munich fan. Keno and coach Iri have know each other for like 25 years, starting in Germany where they played youth soccer together. Keno has an innate therapeutic approach to kids (practice makes perfect) and really can get kids to explress their feeling. Sometimes they randomly call him “dad”. VTP are very happy to have Keno join us and help us advance our cause.

Raymond Coffey
Bio coming soon