SOCCER Tuition

The vtp season
What tuition includes
- $20/session for Winooski residents
- 25/session per player for other towns.
- No other fees
- Weekly practices
- Games during Vermont Soccer Association season
- League and Association fees covered
- Uniform and equipment covered
- Schedule pending Vermont Soccer League’s established dates

Tuition assistance
Scholarships available. Email Iri at to cover the cost for attendance.

Breaking pay-to-play
How we make it happen
We want to give all young Vermonters a chance to play a team sport, stay fit and healthy, and learn discipline and teamwork. All kids should have access to soccer regardless of their background.
Partnerships with local communities and businesses allow us to provide a professional learn and play environment for fraction of the usual pay to play cost.
We want players to focus on bringing the right attitude, having fun, and developing their skills and character, and less on the ability to pay.